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These are my people

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Party On

My head shaving party is this Friday, May 6th, 2011. I am excited and a little nervous. I originally wanted to throw the party because I want to celebrate this new phase of my life with my friends. I still want that- but it's turning into more than that as the day draws near. See, I started worrying that I would not handle shaving my head in front of a lot of people very well...I didn't want to freak out and start crying and ruin the good party time. I asked Tad if he would shave my head early- so I could get used to the idea of being bald- and maybe get a little sun on my never exposed pasty white scalp.

So, my friends, I have already shaved my head. After it was done, I didn't cry- I wasn't sad...I wasn't...anything. There wasn't a huge sigh of relief or huge weight lifted off my shoulders (there wasn't that much hair left anyway. heehee.) I realized that I was giving my hair and the thought of losing it all- a whole lot of power over me. Now that it's done, I do feel some freedom. I know there is room for more freedom- and that is why I wanted to have a party. I want to invite all my friends into this experience of baldness with me.

Bald and beautiful? How can you tell?
 I have a friend who hates the word intimacy. I can sorta see why she doesn't like it. It can be used in a way that is cliche-ish. Maybe it's too vague. If I say I want "more intimacy" in my marriage, what does that really mean? I've heard a definition of intimacy that I liked and thought was clever: in-to-me-see. That's what I want. I want to be known. If I want to be close to God, then I've been told and I believe, that I have to start building closeness and intimacy in my relationships with people. Why would I want to spend my life hiding anyway? If things are hard, why would I want to go through it/them/whatever alone? This is why I am having a party.

I love my friends. Every person I invited has touched my life in some way- and I want to say thank you for your friendship. And for the new friends I haven't known very long, there is a light in you that I am attracted to. I am eager to know you. I want good people around me as I walk through this jou-hair-ney. I want freedom for me and for you. I want to know you too. Bald is beautiful...I am discovering. I am still Amy. I just don't have as much human hair as I used to. I may look different every time you see me. I will be sad about my hair-or lack of it sometimes. I will be sad if my eyebrows and eyelashes fall out. I don't want to live in sadness though. I want light, joy, and freedom. I want freedom to go out without a wig or a hat or a scarf. I want to move past the newness and excitement of new wigs and bald heads.

Here are a few pics of the process:

last day for pig buns

back side of pig buns

what can I say about this?

first round with the scissors. Tad should not be a barber.

second round with the scissors

clippers with no guard

top view after the clippers. that is classic alopecia areata.


  1. Thanks for sharing your story, Amy. I'll be following your posts. Seems like a funny way to get to know you, and I'd certainly rather do it in person, but this will have to do for now. Love to Tad and Lucy.

  2. You never stop amazing me with your ability to stand up and face what you are going through and I am proud to stand beside you as your friend. You are beautiful, Amy, through and through. I knew it when I met you 25 years ago and I know it today. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    On a separate note, I have a confession. I have a bald head fetish. I may not be able to keep my hands to myself if you don't have your wig on. It's nothing sexual, but i just love the unique feel of scalp skin. One of the doctors i work with just bows his head forward now, when he sees me. Can I touch your head? Look forward to seeing you tonight!
