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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fake Barbie and testing out the blogger in me

I already posted this article on facebook- but i have decided through some encouragement from family members and other friends- that i will try my hand at blogging. i am using my old material so i can practice messing around with the format and setting up the page so it looks nice and cool! here we go!

I am not trying to gross you out or be a downer. but i feel compelled to tell the story about one little secret i am holding very close. i decided i should go VERY public with it because i am hoping that maybe if i tell everyone i know about my ugly little secret then it will not have so much power over me. it's true what they say in the bible about darkness and light. if i can just start talking about it, it will stop holding me captive. i have alopecia areata.

i've had it since i was 18 or 19 years old. it's a auto immune disorder/condition where my body tells my hair not to grow- so it falls out. i think it was first discovered in foxes. the body attacks itself. "ooooooh weeeeeee. what up with that?"

i have a bunch of bald spots or "patches" on my head. for most of my life they haven't been very noticeable. once in college i had a big spot on the top of my head- but i wore hats and headbands to cover it up. other than that one time- i've always been able to cover up the spots without a hat or headband. my hair was long enough or the spots were positioned in such a way that having them wasn't a big deal. now, all of a sudden, i am freaking out. my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. i don't just have 'spots' anymore.

come back for part 2.

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